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Keeping a 136-year-old of tradition in education alive, Tarsus American College believes that helping successful young people to receive the best education without worrying about their finances is a service to community.


To this end, we offer financial need, academic merit, athletic, arts, and science scholarships to eligible students. These scholarships are funded by contributions from Health and Education Foundation (SEV), the activities of our own institutions, and donors.




The top six students with the highest scores in the High School Entrance Examination (LGS) among those who pre-registered during the 1st registration period as stated the calendar in the Registration Guide for Private Schools will receive the 100% Academic Merit Scholarship which covers 100% of the tuition fee. Merit scholarships may also be awarded at varying rates of the tuition fee. Both scholarships are awarded for a period of five years, provided the student remains in good disciplinary standing and maintains a year-end GPA of 70 or above.




We encourage our students to participate in sports, arts and in science competitions and we offer Sports, Arts and Science Scholarships to support students who are strong in these areas. Scholarships may be awarded to student athletes and those engaged in arts and science who are newly registered or who continue their studies at TAC, at the rates established for each year of application.


One student may receive a scholarship in either sports, arts, or sciences. Since these scholarships are considered merit scholarships, the student may still be eligible for the school's existing Financial Need Scholarship. The scholarship of the student receiving Financial Need Scholarship may be added on to the Sports, Arts and Science scholarship to reach 100%.


Both students coming to prep and existing students can apply for this scholarship.


You can find below the detailed information about the documentation required and eligibility criteria for the scholarships.





Students enrolled in a program of at least four years at the State Conservatory, which admits students using an aptitude exam, receive this scholarship until the date of their graduation from the conservatory, regardless of their grade level at the Conservatory at the time they enroll in the prep class. The student may not repeat a grade and must reapply each year to be eligible. These scholarships will continue for the duration of the student's education at the conservatory.


Scholarship Amount

25% of one year’s tuition fee


Combination of Scholarships

The Arts Scholarship may be added on to a financial need and academic merit scholarships, but in no case can a student receive a scholarship which exceeds 100% of one year’s tuition.


Conditions for Continuation of Scholarship

Students who receive a scholarship are expected to join the club in the area of their scholarship (the instrument for which they received a music scholarship), to fulfill the arts-related duties assigned by the school, to participate in national or international competitions under the guidance of the respective teacher advisor, and to give an individual performance (exhibition, presentation, solo chamber music, etc.) every year. If the student fails to meet these requirements, the Arts Scholarship Committee will evaluate the scholarship in accordance with the teacher advisor's report, and the student will be notified in writing that the scholarship will not be renewed.


Cancellation of the Scholarship

The scholarship will be canceled in the event that the recipient repeats the year or commits a behavior grade-reducing disciplinary infraction. The student will not be charged the fees covered by the scholarship for the current academic year. The student may not reapply for the scholarship.


The scholarship will be renewed as long as the student participates in the school's activities in arts and as long as the student's conservatory education continues. The scholarship will be discontinued with the student’s graduation from the conservatory.  


Documents Required for Arts Scholarships


  • Official document/student transcript showing that the student is currently enrolled in a part-time program at the Conservatory and was admitted into the program through the aptitude test.
  • A document showing the class at which the student is enrolled at the conservatory, the courses taken, and that the student passed the grade level (at the end of each semester, including the interim).
  • Document showing that the student attended the conservatory training during 8th grade (for the incoming prep students).

Note: The Scholarships for students who interrupt their conservatory education (freeze their enrollment) during 8th grade will be awarded when the student starts 9th grade (following completion of the prep year). Scholarships for students who begin their conservatory education in their prep year will be awarded the scholarship in the 9th grade.





In order to be eligible for the Sports Scholarship, the applicant must be a national athlete in one of the olympic sports (except for the sub-disciplines which are not listed on the website of the Olympics Committee) or chess, or have received national championship title (individually or as a team) or a Turkish record holder and must be an active athlete.


The scholarship of national athletes continues as long as their national athlete standing is maintained and they participate in competitions (World, European, Balkan).


The scholarship of Turkish national champions or record holders continues for one year. If the success is repeated in the following years, the scholarship may be awarded again.


Scholarship Amount

25% of one year’s tuition fee.


Combination of Scholarships

The Sports Scholarship may be added on to financial need and academic merit scholarships, but in no case can a student receive a scholarship which exceeds 100% of one year’s tuition.


Cancellation of the Scholarship

The scholarship will be canceled in the event that the recipient repeats the year, commits a behavior grade-reducing disciplinary infraction or when their athletic license is canceled or their active sportsmanship standing is terminated. The student may not reapply for the scholarship.


For the continuation of the scholarship for national athletes, their standing as a national athlete should continue and they should compete in national competitions (world, European, Balkans) except for practice games, should continue to be an active athlete and be a member of the school team in the same sports branch, if any. The scholarship of Turkish national champions or record holders continues for one year. If the success is repeated in the following years, the scholarship may be awarded again.


Documentation Required:

  • Official sports license document approved by the federation for the year of scholarship application
  • For national championship, the official result documentation approved by the federation
  • If the student is a national athlete, an official document stating that he/she is a national athlete (National Athlete Certificate)
  • A document approved from the Ministry, Federation or from e-devlet stating the competitions in which the national athlete participated.


Note: Students applying to the preparatory class for the 2024-2025 academic year must be a national athlete or Turkish champion (individual or team) or a Turkish record holder in the 2023-2024 academic year. If the athletic scholarship criteria is reinstated, they will be eligible to apply in subsequent academic years.





Prep Class

It is awarded to students who receive a gold, silver or bronze medal in the National Science Olympiad organized by TUBITAK during their middle school education (grades 5-6-7-8) during their education at TAC, should they complete their registration at TAC. The awards received in National Project Competitions are not valid.


Continuing / Current Students

It is awarded to current TAC students who receive a gold, silver or bronze medal in the National Science Olympiad or National Project Competition organized by TUBITAK during their education at TAC.


Scholarship Amount

25% of one year’s tuition fee.


Combination of Scholarships

The Science Scholarship may be added on to financial need and academic merit scholarships, but in no case can a student receive a scholarship which exceeds 100% of one year’s tuition.


Cancellation of the Scholarship

The scholarship will be canceled in the event that the recipient repeats the year or commits a behavior grade-reducing disciplinary infraction. The student will not be charged the fees covered by the scholarship for the current academic year. The student may not reapply for the scholarship. Issues not covered by these explanations are stated seperately for each scholarship.


Documentation Required

  • For middle school and preparatory classes, an official document showing that the student has placed in the top three at the TUBITAK National Science Olympiad.
  • For current TAC students, an official document showing that the student was placed in the top three at the National Science Olympiad or National Project Competition organized by TUBITAK.




Financial Need Scholarships are awarded to parents with limited financial resources.


These scholarships are awarded for one year at a percentage determined by the school's scholarship committee based on the review of documentation submitted regarding the family's financial situation and an interview where required.


Applications are resubmitted and reviewed each year. If the eligibility requirements change, the amount to be awarded may also change.


The applications for the "Financial Need Scholarship" for students coming to the preparatory class in the 2024-2025 academic year will open on Saturday, June 29, 2024 at 9:00 am and close on Monday, July 01, 2024 at 3:00 pm.


For the review process, it is important to explain the reason for the need in detail on the application form. The details of the financial situation should be shared and the content of the documentation submitted should be consistent with the statement. Family income documents must include the documents for both the mother and the father.


The scholarship application may be submitted by either one of the parents or, in the case of divorced parents, by the custodial parent or by the guardian of the student.


Your scholarship application cannot be evaluated unless the documents listed under the heading "Documents Required to be Uploaded to the Scholarship Application System" are uploaded in their entirety, in a valid format (PDF / JPEG), with the correct title, and with the required content completed in the relevant section in the system.


The scholarship committee may contact you for an interview and/or request additional documents where necessary based on the results of the review.


  • If any documents are missing, the application will not be considered for review.
  • The statement on the application form and in the supporting documentation must be consistent, complete, and accurate.
  • In case of missing or inaccurate information in the statement and documentation, the application will not be considered for review.
  • If any missing and/or inaccurate information is detected after the scholarship is awarded to the student, the scholarship awarded to the student will be charged from the parent with legal interest from the date of the award. If the parent does not return the scholarship with legal interest, legal action will be taken against the parent.
  • The review will be completed prior to the registration date and the parent will be notified of the results by text message or phone.

In order for the scholarship to be awarded as a result of the review to be processed,


  • A completed application form signed by the student's parent(s) and
  • Printed hard copies of the documents uploaded into the system must be submitted at the time of registration.


If the printed documents are missing at the time of registration, even though they have been uploaded to the scholarship application system, or if the documents uploaded to the system do not match the printed documents, the scholarship will not be processed.


If you encounter any problems during the application process, please contact https://kayit.tac.k12.tr/adresi.


Scholarship Application Requirements


  • The applicant’s not having the financial means to pay the school’s tuition fee,
  • Being a Turkish citizen
  • The application must be submitted by the mother, father, or legal guardian,
  • If the parents are divorced, the Financial Need Scholarship application must be submitted by the custodial parent.


Documents to be Uploaded to the Scholarship Application System


*Screenshots of barcoded documents will not be accepted.


1. Copy of the Civil Registry Record with Details (which lists all family members) ("Family Record" and "With Details" options must be selected)

Click here to obtain the document from the relevant E-Devlet page.

2. Photocopies of the Turkish I.D. cards of the parents

3. Barcoded Social Security Registration and Service Transcript obtained seperately for each working parent/ Workplace Title List (The document must be generated by clicking the "Create barcoded document" option. Screenshots will not be accepted).

Click here to obtain the document from the relevant E-Devlet page

4. Payroll transcripts for the months of December 2023 and January - May 2024 separately for each working parent

5. Social Security Registration Inquiry document obtained separately for each retired or non-working parent via E-Devlet (barcoded document containing 4A / 4B / 4C insurance registration information)

Click here to obtain the document from the relevant E-Devlet page.

6. Separately for each parent and each children over the age of 18;

- E-Devlet General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre Land Registry Information Inquiry (1st step immovable list) and a list of annotations, declarations, or pledges, if any.

Click here to obtain the documents from the relevant E-Devlet page.

- Property Tax Payment or Accrual Receipt for the 1st and 2nd terms of 2023 for all properties in the Immovables List belonging to each parent and the student over 18 years of age (It is not mandatory to have paid these amounts)

- If the house is rented, lease agreement and a document showing payment for the last month.

- If the family is living in a lodgement, lodgement assignment form, a document showing the monthly fee paid and the status. .

- Even if you do not own a property, please follow the same procedures and add the screenshot where your name and Turkish ID number are visible.

7. For each parent and children over the age of 18 separately, copy of the vehicle registrations by going to turkiye.gov.tr (E-Devlet) > My Vehicles, Inquiry Page for Vehicles Registered Under My Name (real person 1st step, list of vehicles) where the names of parent and the student over the age of 18 are visible.

Click here to obtain the document from the relevant E-Devlet page. (A screenshot will be taken with the  name visible on the upper right corner).

* If you do not own a vehicle/property, a screenshot should be taken of the relevant page with the name visible on the upper right corner.

8. Court divorce decree showing custodial status for divorced parents

9. Document showing the status of those who have been bankrupt (court and execution file(s) and documents from E-Devlet)

10. Business / Company information can be obtained from the link below with your E-Devlet password. (It must be documented by the mother and father, or guardian, if any).


11. If there is a disability or serious illness which require long-term treatment in the family, epicrisis reports documenting this.

12. E-student documents and approved documents showing student status for any siblings who are attending schools, if any, which also states whether they are receiving financial assistance of scholarships.

13. The printed copy of the Financial Need Application Form (with signature) will be submitted during the registration.