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Speaking the same language with Europe, the cradle of cultures…


Although English has become the common language of the world, the power of language can be more fully realized by learning a further foreign language such as German or French which accesses the tradition of culture and democracy in Europe through its very source.


Being fluent in German and/or French is also a great advantage for post-secondary studies in subject areas such as philosophy, science and the arts. Learning a second foreign language opens up worlds, and also contributes to a better understanding of a foreign culture, thus strengthening communication and promoting a more conscious awareness of the requirements of global citizenship.


The days when the world was a ‘global village’ are long gone. Thanks to the advancements in communication technologies, the world is now a ‘home’ to all of us. Therefore, we should be able to communicate with everyone who lives in our extended ‘home’.


The learning outcomes of the Second Foreign Language program at TAC are as follows:


  • Enjoying the language which is being learned and being willing to communicate in that language.
  • Preserving one’s own social values while learning a foreign language; broadening perspectives; being able to make use of the richness of different cultures,   
  • Being open to intercultural interactions; comparing one’s culture with new cultures; understanding the importance and necessity of existence of differences.
  • Developing a tolerance and empathy towards all cultures
  • Thinking analytically and critically”; understanding the language at a deeper level
  • Developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in that language at an international level
  • Researching the history, society and culture of the countries where French and German are spoken
  • Understanding that learning is a life-long process
  • Understanding that foreign language is a door to the outside world; being aware of the advantages of speaking multiple languages in the cultural and professional world
  • Reading literary works in a foreign language and expansion of learning in language arts
  • Exploring the political administration, political and social structures of the country where the language is spoken; thinking about the concepts of democracy and social equality
  • Understanding the operation of international structures which determine the future of the world; encouraging the potential of being an actor in this process in the future.


German and French lessons are designed for Prep, Grade 9 and 10 classes.


Prep, Grade 9 and 10 classes take Second Foreign Language for four periods per week. The aim of the learning activities is to introduce to students the cultural characteristics of the new language. Cultural traditions, cuisine and music are important indicators of a certain culture. The activities promote such characteristics of the countries which host these languages.  


Oktoberfest: It is the traditional German holiday, celebrated as a holiday of spring and sports.


TAC French Day: It is celebrated with special French dishes and songs.


Christmas / New Year’s Day: Christmas songs are sung; special cards are prepared.


Francophonie Day: It is celebrated worldwide among French speakers with songs, drama, karaoke and poetry.


Contests: They are fun knowledge contests where culture-specific knowledge is tested.


Karaoke: Karaoke entertainment where popular songs in German and French are sung.


Second Foreign Language Conference – Professional Development: It is a biennial activity for teachers of Second Foreign Languages.


Deutsche Koffer: They are German learning activities which take place through collaboration with Goethe Institut.


Rotation Activities: These are the activities which promote active participation of students in class.


German Rap on the Road: These are the German language activities where we collaborate with Goethe Institut.


International DELF, TELC and Goethe Exams: One of the biggest aims of the Second Foreign Language Department is to increase student success in DELF, FIT and TELC exams offered by French and German Cultural Centers in May, towards the end of the academic year. These are international exams offered to all students in grade 9 and 10.


Deutsch Unterwegs: It is an activity organized by Goethe Institut for all learners of German.


Various community service projects




Prep Classes


Exams: Two exams and two quizzes are administered while two project and one speaking-performance grade are assigned per term. There are intermediary tests (quizzes) as well. Three performance grades are assigned each semester.


Grades 9 and 10


Exams: Two exams and three quizzes are administered while two project and one speaking performance grade are assigned each term. There are intermediary tests (quizzes) as well. These components form a performance grade. There are also performance grades which reflect the results of DELF, FIT and TELC exams.