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“It is clear that the chief end of mathematical study must be to make students think.”


                                                                John Wesley Young (American mathematician)



In the 21st century, information and technology are changing at a rapid pace and mathematical science has an important role in this change. In this context, our emphasis in mathematics education at TAC is to provide scientific background, perspective, and self-discipline to help students succeed in both their university entrance examinations for national post-secondary programs in Turkey, and for any international university pursuits they may have.
The foundation for mathematics in English is established during the prep year in order to support the students’ development of skills such as understanding mathematical terminology, problem solving and self-expression.


Technological tools such as Smart boards and scientific graphic calculators are used extensively in our instructional processes in order to reinforce the learning of mathematics, which is an abstract branch of science.


We offer all students various learning opportunities within a culture of mathematics that maximizes their potential in the pursuit of excellence and teaches them how to use an analytical perspective in their daily lives.




At TAC, the Ministry-stipulated curriculum is blended with the international curriculum of the IB Diploma Programme. Participation of TAC’s mathematics teachers in national and international professional development events further increases the integration of best practices into their teaching methods. The mathematics program at TAC is founded on the following objectives:


  • Delivering mathematical concepts and techniques while providing students with mathematical information so that they can use their knowledge and mental potential more effectively and become more active in their learning process, while developing the ability to think flexibly when they encounter different problems and conditions
  • Developing student skills for adapting prior information to new situations while takings risks, and thinking flexibly
  • Reinforcing the learning process by using smartboards and graphic calculators (TI-84) in the lessons
  • Introducing to students other components in the broader realm of mathematics through term projects and contests
  • Understanding mathematics and making deductions by using mathematical models, formulae, graphs, and tables
  • Learning to think rationally, critically and creatively
  • Developing an understanding of the nature and the principles of the subject
  • Showing consistency and patience in problem solving
  • Using abstraction and generalization skills
  • Transferring talents to alternative situations and future developments
  • Developing systematic thinking habits and personal organization through timely completion of academic tasks
  • Presenting mathematical information in a symbolic, visual, numerical and verbal way
  • Assessing student learning levels fairly, by using carefully formulated exams based on previously taught material
  • Being informed about the historical progression of the area of mathematics. 




  • The TAC Mathematics Department provides students with the opportunity to participate in the different levels of math competitions organized by the prestigious Waterloo University in Canada. These competitions measure both English and math skills, enabling students to compare themselves with contestants from other countries.


Pascal and Fryer (Grade 9)

Cayley and Galois (Grade 10)

Fermat and Hypatia (Grade 11)


  • Field Trip to the Mathematics Village in Şirince


  • SAC (SEV American College) Mathematics Contests


  • Salih Zeki Mathematical Research Projects