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“Without support from home, the school would not be able to reach the goals it has set for its students!
Each student of Tarsus American College has two homes and one family. There is an organic bond between the families of students who join TAC and the school. The Parent-Teacher Association which aims to establish an active communication, cooperation and integration between the school and the families is comprised of the school principal, assistant principals, teacher and parent representatives. Further goals of the Parent-Teacher Association at TAC, for particularly the students, are to:


  • Reinforce commitment to Atatürk principles and reforms,
  • Develop and maintain local and international humanitarian values,
  • Enlighten the parents about the educational goals of the school and its academic activities,
  • Develop sense of responsibility, honesty, kindness, respect and tolerance to others and their opinions, 
  • Help students develop a sense of self-discipline and compliance with social norms,  
  • Discourage undesired behavior such as wastefulness, vanity, and misuse of personal property,
  • Propose to the School Administration new and useful measures to be taken; support the school in its endeavors, and refrain from decisions which may potentially put the school in a difficult position, 
  • Maintain a channel of communication between parents and the school characterized by transparency and openness, 
  • Organize any kind of co-curricular events which will support the educational experience of students,
  • Encourage and protect the TAC spirit and solidarity,
  • Provide suggestions / support of innovative tools which will help student character development and their academic performance. 

The operations of the Executive Board of the Association and the Parent-Teacher Association are governed by the relevant laws and the internal regulations of the Ministry of Education.

For more information, please visit http://mevzuat.meb.gov.tr/html/25831_0.html

The members of the Parent-Teacher Association are selected at the General Assembly held at the beginning of each academic year according to governing regulations. It is important that the parents attend the general assembly of the PTA, where every parent is a natural member, for a wider representation by all grade levels.

The members selected to serve in the Executive Board determine their individual duties within the administrative body.