The education offered at Tarsus American College, which offers a preparatory year before grade 9 and the "Anatolian High School" diploma at the successful completion of studies, follows the regulations of the Turkish Ministry of Education. The School is authorized to offer the IB Diploma Program by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO).
Both the high-quality teaching and learning environment and learners at Tarsus American College are characterized by the following:
A teaching and learning environment which
recognizes student strengths and areas to improve,
supports and channels student curiosity,
the teacher organizes the lesson and the learning environment as the facilitator (guide),
has a student-centered, inquiry-based and project-based approach with the goal of developing learners who
adopt an international perspective,
meet the expectations of the national program (MEB),
are committed to Atatürk principles and reforms,
internalize the values of the Health and Education Foundation (SEV),
are socially, personally and academically balanced and self-confident,
are able to adapt to the changing world and environment,
keep up-to-date with technological developments with the ability to transfer them to their daily lives,
individuals who can show empathy and compassion to others and the society.
Tarsus American College uses a student-centered, inquiry and project-based approach in the light of national and international expectations where the teacher is the facilitator of learning. The school community prepares an environment which is characterized by respect, empathy and social sensitivity where students thrive academically, socially, in arts and sports. Emphasis is placed on conducting teaching and learning activities with consideration of individual differences, where diversity is respected and encouraged. Lessons and educational environments are designed in a holistic manner where students can develop their knowledge and skills through cooperation and interdisciplinary activities. The school also provides opportunities for academic and career planning to help students set their own goals. It allows for student acquisition of consistent, scientific and common knowledge through concept-based learning methods and their transferring these skills to their daily lives. Students are provided with a learning environment which prepares them for life beyond high school through feedback in formative and summative assessments.