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Be Great Role Models For Students


At Tarsus American College, in addition to academic and social skills of our students, our educators and members of the school community are also providing to be great role models for students with their accomplistments in a variety of areas. A very meaningful example was experienced this past weekend.


Our headmaster Andy Leathwood and school doctor Dr. Ali Cerrahoglu traveled to Bucharest Romania on March 11-14 to represent the Tarsus Schools and Turkey in the Balkan Veterans Indoor Athletics Championships.  This event attracted several hundred athletes from 12 countries, with competitors ranging in age from 35 to over 80.   Dr Ali was successful in winning gold in the high jump with a Balkan Indoor Record of 1.64 m.  Andy won the silver in the javelin, throwing outside in very wet and cold conditions!!  Whıle winning the medals for Turkey and our schools was great, the greatest value of these events is the atmosphere of friendship and support between the athletes from a variety of countries  and ethnic backgrounds.  All of the athletes were warm and friendly and both them are making friends from throughout the Balkan region.  The athletes also serve as great role models to our youth -- promoting activity and health throughout your life!!

