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Yesterday, the girls beat Aydın Anatolian High School with a score of 5-1.


The boys team did not play today.


Today the girls will be polaying against Balıkesir ENKA and the boys will play with Uşak High School.





Second Day at the Tennis Tournaments


The girls beat Balıkesir High School 6-0, and boys saw victory against Uşak High School with a score of 6-0.


The girls will play their final game tomorrow against Kocaeli, while boys will be playing against Adana Bilfen College.




In the regional high school tennis championships in İzmir, our female players beat the Koaeli High School group with a score of 6-0, receiving the first place in their group with the award of medal.


The boys lost the game against Bilfen College, ranking the second in their group.


Our female team now qualifies to attend for the national championships  in Trabzon on May 11-15.


We congratulate our students for their hard work and competitive spirit, and wish them continued success in the upcoming games.