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It is Theatre In Front of You!


As if a response to Anatoly Vassiliev who, in his message for the 2016 World Theatre Day advises the audience: “To hell with gadgets and computers - just go to the theatre, occupy whole rows in the stalls and in the galleries, listen to the word and look at living images! - it is theatre in front of you”, theatre came alive once more at the Stickler Auditorium as a result of the hard work by the TAC Turkish Drama Club. Turkish Literature teachers Mikail İncir and Önder Şit were the directors of the stage production of the play “A Wardrobeful of Intrigue” written by Yunus Emre Gümüş. The one-act satire about the good and the bad sides of the human nature received high praise from the viewers. We thank the student performers and the teacher advisors for this impressive performance.


Play: A Wardrobeful of Intrigue

Written By: Yunus Emre Gümüş

Players: Yıldız Altın, Melike Alpay, Selin Seçen, Deniz Salihoğlu, Nida Aktaş, İnci Ovat, Kerem Dilaver Kurt, Ziya Kayalı, Kutay İleri, Ali Murat Kurtulan, Yüksel Yalçın