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Children’s Day Celebrated At TAC


TAC organized a colorful April 23rd celebration to mark this national day of pride, which has not lost its importance after 96 years. This celebration, prepared by the Mathematics Department and TAC students, had some honored guests in the audience: the cleaning and maintenance staff and their children. With the help of the TAC Student Council, school personnel and their children were treated to a great day filled with activities and gifts for Children’s Day.


The assembly started with a moment of silence and the national anthem and continued with a recital of poems compiled with the help of Mr. Önder Şit, Chair of Turkish Literature Department. The audience watched a short video of the day of inauguration of the first Turkish Grand National Assembly on April 23, 1920, followed by an entertaining video which showed them what would happen if students took over the administrative positions at TAC. The program closed with the Turkish National Anthem.


April 23rd may have different meanings for different people. For some, it is the balloon in the children’s hands after the Children’s Day performances or the depiction of children from different nationalities joining hands. For TAC students, April 23 is Ataturk and the value he has placed on the next generations. TAC students will continue to be guided by the values and education, Ataturk’s most important legacy, and be the leaders of the future.