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Mahir Ünsal Eriş on the Labor of Writing

“For me, writing is not such a complicated and pre-meditated process. I had things to tell, things that I wanted to tell. I told them in the form of short stories” (Mahir Ünsal Eriş)

Organized by the TAC Turkish Literature Department, the visit of writer Mahir Ünsal Eriş to TAC was a highly productive one. Eriş published his first collection of stories in “Bangır Bangır Ferdi Çalıyor Evde” and received the 60th Sait Faik Story Writing Award with his second book titled “Olduğu Kadar Güzeldik”. The acclaimed author attracted further readership with his first novel “Dünya Bu Kadar” published in 2015 and full of subtle humor and warmth.

The first part of the activity was a workshop where Eriş talked to students about the journey towards authorship. The second part was an interactive session and book signing. This literary learning experience concluded with closing remarks of Mr. Önder Şit, Chair of the Turkish Literature Department, and the giving of presents and flowers to the writer. As a school, we again would like to thank Mahir Ünsal Eriş for his inspiring talk about writing and the creative journey.

We also would like to share the two books recommended to TAC students by the writer: Raziye by Melih Cevdet Anday and Memleket Hikayeleri by Refik Halit Karay.