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Author Ömer Çeşit at TAC!

Another “author talk and writing workshop”, undertaken by the TAC Turkish Literature Department was completed with success. Ömer Çeşit, the author of the book “Anafora Kapılmak” met with TAC students who are interested in writing in a two-hour workshop. The students who produced a text after sharing experiences and pursuit of writing later shared the text with the author. It was very heartening for students to learn about the possibility of publishing selected texts from this production, based on the feedback received. At the second part of this meeting, the author talk, Çeşit addressed the whole school community this time, inviting their ideas about sociology, history, philosophy, which feeds into literature. Ömer Çeşit shared his own personal pursuits in writing and the students were very impressed by the intellectual background he brought to the session. There was a noticeable student attention at his book signing event as well. As the school we thank Çeşit once again  for his inspiring workshop and engrossing talk with our students.
