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TAC's Second Prep Campout Was A Smashing Success

The last Friday of September was the scene to a very different and special activity in the grass area of Tarsus American College. Prep students and teachers shared a lot of fun accompanied by their colorful tents in the backdrop of the natural richness of the school.

With the last bell signalling the end of the classes for the day, and after the flag ceremony, the very excited prep students started setting up camp, the grass area in front of Unity building. The students had a lot of fun with the games and sports activities organized by TAC’S PE Department while learning about teamwork and collaboration. Leaving technological gadgets aside for even one day, they enjoyed being in the company of their friends and teachers.

After their barbecue dinner, the students were treated to a vibrant karaoke party in the auditorium followed by watching a movie under the stars - with popcorn of course. The campfire,  marsmallows and the songs sung around the campfire closed the night – well the very early morning.