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Enjoying The Brunch On TAC Campus


TAC’s traditional brunch, organized by the Parent-Teacher Association and Student Council in the beginning of the new academic year again brought together students, parents, alumni, teachers and staff members on Sunday, Otober 2nd, 2016.


At the activity where the constituents met on a sunny Sunday provided a venue for warm conversations, new friendships or reinforcing old ones. In the backdrop of the beautiful campus, the day was filled with fun with the shopping booths, and stalls of local delicacies, as well as tug-o-war, football, basketball and volleyball games organized by students, a water fight and a much-applauded ECHO concert. The brunch also provided the opportunity for new prep students to meet with their abis and ablas, contributing the community spirit of the school.


It truly was memorable day reminding that TAC has much more to offer beyond academics.