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New Records Of The Physical Fitness Measurements


In sports, determination of the performance potential at an early age and channelling students to the correct branch of sports which is a good fit for their fitness level is crucial in laying the groundwork for athletic success.

For this purpose, TAC’s Physical Education Department involves prep students in many tests in order to obtain comprehensive information about their motor skills, general physical parameters and physical development.

The tests conducted to our students are:

  • 20-Meter Run
  • Long Jump
  • Vertical Leap
  • Exercise Ball Shoot and Shuttle Run


These moments which saw stiff competition and breaking of new records, enabling students to discover themselves in a brand new arena, was worth seeing. We congratulate all students for their efforts.


Results Of The Physical Fitness Measurements Of 2016-2017


20-Meter Run:                                                ARDA AKOVA                                   3.14

                                                                         BEYZA KOÇ                                      3.78


Long Jump:                                                 SAMET BİÇER                                 2.70

                                                                       ÇAĞLA ÖZLÜ                                1.96


Vertical Leap:                                            BARIŞ EREN YELKEN                        60 cm.

                                                                     EKİN YAYCI                                       44 cm.


2 kg. Exercise Ball Shoot:                         SAMET BİÇER                                   10.30 cm.

                                                                      ÇAĞLA ÖZLÜ                                   5.65 cm.

                                                                      İREMSU ÖZDEMİR                              5.65 cm.  


Shuttle Run:                                              ERKİN EMİRTEKİN                                    107 leaps

                                                                     ARDA AKOVA                                       104 leaps

                                                                     BERKE DİLER                                          104 leaps