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Preparing For Real Life: Student Council Elections At TAC

Tarsus American College Student Council is a structure designed to teach students about a democratic way of life, help them take an active role in school activities and contribute to the organizing of such activities.

The Prep students of TAC, who are the newest members of this structure, took the first step in exercising their democratic right by nominating a female and a male candidate from each class using secret ballot and open counting of votes. As the last step of the elections on Tuesday October 18, they voted to elect their representatives at the Student Council. As a result of this round which was also conducted on secret ballot, Sinan Yalçın from Prep D, receiving the highest number of votes was elected to the Executive Board of the Student Council while Talin Kış from Prep F was elected as the TAC Student Council member.

We congratulate the elected students and wish to see a successful performance from them as part of the TAC Student Council.