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Don't panic, it was not in frenzy as you might have thought!

One of the most appealing aspects of some sports are the risks involved and the adrenaline boost it promises. Working on an artificial climbing wall is one of the most adrenaline and risk-filled of such sports. 

TAC grade 9 students and teachers were introduced to this sport at the Cukurova University. It was really impressive to see their excitement following the two-hour theory and application based training. They soon realized that climbing is not as easy as climbing a very steep flight of stairs, and that it also involves the mental formulation of where to step, and which grip to hold, trying to implement it while climbing. Each step they took higher improved their self-confidence, making them urge for the one up. Our congratulations to our student İhsan Eroğlu, who came first in the mini climbing contest which concluded the day.  

TAC would like to thank Süleyman Bey, the instructor at Çukurova University who assisted in the climbing activity, and his team for their support.