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Journey Of Reading And Sharing


“Bookmobile” activity is one of the highly valued community service projects by the Tarsus American College, and the Turkish Literature Department alike.


As part of this year’s programme which rotates between five village schools in Tarsus, TAC students have been offering English, Turkish and Drama lessons to primary and middle school students, playing games with these children and sharing books during their fortnightly visits.


On the visit to the Kaleburcu Elementary School on Saturday November 5, our students changed between the roles of teachers and playmates. The lessons and the enjoyable conversations between the two school’s students, joined by TAC’s Activity Coordinator Gülay Damar and Turkish Literature Department Chair Önder Şit, were followed by the eagerly-anticipated book exchange, building a bridge of “reading and sharing”. The smiles on the faces of these young children reading their new, age-appropriate books was the strong indicator that this connection will be long-lived.