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The Road to London School of Economics

Grade 11 & 12 ( November 8, 2016)


On November 8, TAC hosted lecturers and assistant deans of Bilgi University: Asst. Professor Dr. Fatma Didin Sönmez and Asst. Prof. Dr. Faruk Ziya Fırat, who shared valuable information with TAC’s grade 11 and 12 students about twenty-year-old “Dual Diploma Program” that the university in Istanbul concurrently offers with London School of Economics (LSE), one of the best “business” schools in the world, while students are enrolled at Bilgi. This program is a great opportunity provided to academically strong students to receive a university diploma from both Bilgi University and LSE.


In the presentation, it was also explained the students that they have a change to receive an internationally-recognized certificate which would help them reach very competitive career goals by contacting many companies which are strong players in the business world.