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TAC “Sets Sails” to Promote Sailing Among TAC


Cengiz Sönmez, TAC 75 graduate and Vice President of the Mersin Sailing Club, Selim Sıdalı, General Club Captain, Trainer Hale Ege and Disabled Athlete Tayfun Günaydın were at TAC’s Stickler Auditorium on November 15, 2016 for a presentation to grades Prep-10 about sailing as a leisure sport activity.


The presentation touched on the impact of sea and sports on human psychology, the benefits of this branch of sports, as well as the optimist and laser boats. After the presentation at the auditorium, the students who were interested in sailing were invited to give it a try in the boat simulator set up in the ceremony area. We thank them for visiting the school and broadening the horizon of sports in our students’ minds.