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The Blind Date with a Book


The Turkish Literature Department of Tarsus American College continues to organize interesting and innovative learning activities.


The “Blind Date with a Book” project, initiated this year with the hope of further development each year, was warmly received by TAC’s prep students. Within the project, students who covered the books that they read, concealing the book’s name and decorating the cover with their brief write-ups and illustrations, tried to prevent the on-lookers to “judge the book by its cover”, helping the students meet with new books which may possibly change their lives. The inspiring remarks by the Prep student Sude Naz Arıcı welcomed the guests of the launch activity. The anecdote from Balzac’s live as told by Mr. Önder Şit, the Chair of the Turkish Literature Department, was quite moving. This was followed by an animation which depicted the magic of books.


The activity which concluded with Prep students running to the books and trying to look at their cover - trying to see if it’s a good fit for their reading pleasure -  was a good culmination, with each student leaving with a book that they were eager to explore.