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TAC Students Observe a Lecture at Cukurova University


On December 2, 2016, TAC’s teachers of physics, Hasan Ateş and Orhan Vatansever took the grade 11 students on an academic visit to Çukurova University’s Medical and Engineering faculties to give them a glimpse of university life. TAC students who were warmly welcomed by the university,

met with the instructors before the lecture while having tea together.


They were the TAC students themselves who identified the classes they wanted to watch based on their career goals. In addition to watching the lectures, the students also had a chance to ask questions to the instructors and to talk to them about the career options. They examined the samples of dissertations in various research fields, which provided them more insight about the expectations of them as the professionals of the future.   


As the Science Department of Tarsus American College, we extend our gratitude to the administration of Cukurova University and TAC Alumni Association for providing our students with this invaluable experience.