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Excitement of Science Contest Information Competition


The TAC Science Knowledge Bowl, the fourth of which took place at the Stickler Auditorium on 6th of December, 2016, was scene of enthusiastic moments with the participation of our Grade 10 students as competitors. The competition between 4 groups of 3 students from each homeroom enabled participants to exhibit their knowledge in the fields of Physics, Chemistry and Biology by competing against time and against each other.


In the contest, where the breaths were held until the last minute, the winner was an ambitious team of 10-C. Nida Görkem Aktaş, Emre Yapıcı and Emirhan Nasıf, we congratulate you once again. In the contest where the remaining students in 10-A, 10-B, 10-C and 10-D classes participated as guests, the audience was as excited and enthusiastic as the contestants.


We hope that the next knowledge bowl is scheduled soon so that we continue to learn in such fun, exciting and competitive environment.


Let the new games begin and may the best one win!


