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An Active Month for the Counseling Department


In December, our Guidance and Psychological Counseling Service lived a full month of events.

The month started with the School-Parent Interaction meeting, in which "Roles and Communication within the Family" were addressed. The purpose of this sharing sesssion was to better understand the roles and forms of communication that exist within the family and that are constantly changing.

On December 3, we visited the village of Kamberhüyüğü in Tarsus with members of our school's Bookmobile Club. Here, the students in the sister school were taught English and the books we brought were distributed.

Then on December 7, Dr. Halis Dokgöz, Forensic Medicine Professor at Mersin University, Prof. Dr. Fevziye Toros,  Head of Child Psychiatry Department of Mersin University’s Faculty of Medicine and Tülay Sevgi Can, attorney at law co-facilitated a panel titled "Child Neglect and Abuse" for all parents, teachers and students.

The panel was organized in order to raise awareness about the concepts of "neglect and abuse" which are very recent issues of discussion in our country and the world. In addition to the panel, we also had the privilege of hosting the exhibition consisting of cartoons drawn by Prof. Dr. Halis Dokgöz.

On December 10 the peer counselors from grades 10 and 11 met with the prep students on an enjoyable Saturday afternoon to get to know them better and to help them adapt better to the school. The day was filled with various activities and fun conversations shared over lunch.

And then came the "Career Day", one of the biggest events of Tarsus American College. On Tuesday, December 13th, we hosted the event with the participation of 17 professionals, all TAC graduates who are very strong in their professional areas, which helped the university and career planning of the  9-12 grade students immensely. We owe the success of the day to the weeks of joint collaboration between the  school administration, TAC Alumni Association, Corporate Communication department and the Counseling Department.

On December 14, Tarsus ZİÇEV (Foundation for the Protection and Education of Children with Mental Disabilities) was visited.

On Monday, December 19, we hosted a conference by the representatives from Bahcesehir University for our 12th grade students, which also included information being shared about the “Apply Bau” process.

Last but certainly not the least, the meeting of all guidance counselors of SEV American Schools, took place at SEV American College on December 23rd.

The month of December, full of events for our students, parents, teachers and whole school community, has been an hectic but rewarding time for us. We hope that this also is the case for all our participants and collaborators!