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The Traditional TAC Visit to the Oncology Ward


On December 24, 2016 8 TAC students visited the oncology patients at the Adana Acıbadem Hospital, with their Turkish Literature teacher Tuba Karabağ. The visit left a mark on the hearts of both the patients and our students.


As part of the project “Smiling Faces”, TAC students organized a visit to the children with leukemia receiving treatment at the Adana Acıbadem Hospital. They shared a day full of smiles, warm conversations, as well as the gifts they have prepared for the children. The visit which is taking place for the fourth time, is a special one for TAC students, evoking different feelings in each and every one of them.


“The aim is to focus on the battle, not fear or defeat”: This certainly was the unspoken message from the young patients. While TAC students epitomized social awareness with this visit, they also understood the harsh realities of life and survival for the children who lived with leukemia, behind the façade of a smiling face.


We wish that all children in the world can join them one day in giving us these wonderful smiles!