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TAC Hosts Panel on “Child Abuse and Neglect”


On December 7, Dr. Halis Dokgöz, Forensic Medicine Professor at Mersin University, Tülay Sevgi Can, attorney at law, both of who are our parents, and Prof. Dr. Fevziye Toros, Head of Child Psychiatry Department of Mersin University’s Faculty of Medicine and co-facilitated a panel titled "Child Neglect and Abuse" for all parents, teachers and students of TAC.

The panel was organized in order to raise awareness about the concepts "neglect and abuse", which has been on the recent legal agenda in our country and the world, from a legal and psychological perspective. In addition to the panel, we visited the exhibition consisting of cartoons drawn by Prof. Dr. Halis Dokgöz which reinforced our learning of very valuable information from the experts.


What is Neglect and Abuse?

Neglect in this context is the inability/incompetency of the adult to protect the child against potential risks due to forgetfulness and ignorance, or to meet the basic needs of the child such as shelter, nutrition, safety among others.

Abuse is any physical and/or emotional mistreatment which compromise the health, well-being, life, development and value of the said child, and the use of the child for any kind of commercial gain. 

Physical abuse include all behavior which results in physical trauma or injuries, without being accidental.

Emotional abuse consists of behaviors which represent a systematic humiliation or ignoring of an individual which compromise his/her healthy emotional development and self-esteem. 

Sexual abuse is the imposition of sexual interaction upon another person, either by force or conviction, to derive sexual pleasure.