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“Cuisine De France” TAC


This year, TAC hosted its 7th traditional French Food Day. Staples of the French cuisine took their places on the serving stations of the cafeteria.

It is generally known that many culinary terms which we use today come from the French language. Having a French food day at TAC contributes to students’ expansion of their French vocabulary, as well as “tasting” and experiencing a significant element of the French culture.

This year’s menu consisted of ‘’Soupe Aux Legumes’, ‘’Poitrines de Poulet Dijon’’,‘’Gratin Dauphinois’’, ‘’Salade Niçoise” ve ‘’Mille-feuilles’’, in the TAC cafeteria which had photos, vocabulary reminders and French music, adding to the cultural exposure and learning. On the same day, TAC students sold the French pastries which they themselves have baked, to contribute to the funds of the project supporting the local children born in prison.
