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From the “Mythology Club”


Greek mythology,

And Egyptian, Persian mythology we talked about…

And finally we said “What About Tarsus?..” Şahmeran,

Kırkkaşık Covered Bazaar?..        


Outside it was cold and the sky was grey.

The wind was beating our faces and hands like a slap.

We buried our heads in our body and buried the latter to our hearts.

We were excited…

We ran around the Han

The cold has left us, homework, tasks, everything

Was over in 21st century.

We went to the Shahmaran.

The hammam marble is bleeding.


Let the drummers continue pounding,

Şahmeran is wailing.

All accompanied by a hot “kaynar”

In the yellow light of the stove,

And on a rainy day.

Blowing through our minds, and spirits like the wind.


Next one is ÜÇ UYURLAR.



