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TAC Organizes a New Year’s Celebration for Sister Schools


As part of the school-sponsored “Make a Wish” project, TAC students and teachers organized a New Year’s party for the students and teachers from Hasan Karamehmet Elementary School, Kamberhüyüğü Elementary School and Tarsus ZİÇEV.

The “Make a Wish” project culminated with a new year’s party at the TAC student lounge on December 26. By organizing this special event, TAC students and teachers wanted to welcome the new year together, giving the gift of a festive, fun-filled day, hoping only to receive wonderful smiles in return.

During the celebration with cakes and juices, students from the sister schools received candies from Papa (and Mama!) Noel. They eagerly unwrapped the gifts bought for them by the TAC community. The children, who played games and had a lot of fun in the lounge, and their teachers expressed their gratitude for this early celebration of the New Year. We also took the opportunity to take a picture with our guests.

It was great to see smiles on everyone’s face at the end of the day – despite the cold and rainy weather.  Overall, it was an enriching experience for our school, and especially the TAC students.