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TAC’s Boarding Students Meet at the PTA Cookout


“Home made by the ”mothers” of Tarsus American College”


The Parent Cookout Evening on December 7, 2016 was eagerly awaited and warmly welcomed by the boarding students of TAC, with the delicious home made meals as well as the pleasure of meeting in another tradition of the school’s boarding culture being shared by the TAC community.


The entire menu was prepared acording to the students’ wish list of home made food which they craved. Although tens of different dishes laid out on the table was a bit outside of the “healthy” line recommended of our school doctor, it really whetted the student appettite making them feel at home, as if they were at their family’s dinner table. Conversations with the parents who prepared the meals added to the enjoyable meal. The students who stated that the meals were “extremely delicious” thanked the PTA members, with the wish to meet in another Parent Cookout Evening soon. 



