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TAC at the Çukurova Book Fair

Following the successful completion of the exam week, we set out on Friday, January 13th for the 10th Cukurova Book Fair. At the exhibition area, we were divided into groups after taking a group snapshot which would make this day memorable. We spotted some members of our group taking their individual hunt for the books they like. While some were after world classics, some were seeking the books of accomplished Turkish writers, and the others who were more practical minded, were with the bestselling books. During this visit to the great book haven of Çukurova region, each of us dicovered that our interest in books extended to essays, novel, poetry and even manga! The most popular Turkish author, whose many books of poems landed in our bags, was Özdemir Asaf. Our preference lists got longer and longer with Franz Kafka, Albert Camus, George Orwell, Oscar Wilde, Cemal Süreya, Sabahattin Ali and many more. One of the most entertaining parts of our trip was when we gave our book recommendations to each other. We were introduced to many new writers and books thanks to these great advices. Towards the end of our time here, the sombre yet happy look one some of friends’s faces after realizing that they have spent all they money on books was worth seeing. While some of those had to give up some of the books they were hoping to buy, some came up with clever and creative ways of making their friends buy those books for them! Having said that, of course they were also some of us who were too generous to buy the gifts of novels, poetry books and posters for their friends. At the end of our visit, as we were heading for the buses for the return trip home, everyone was carrying the heavy bags of books. As the TAC family, we saw that the day embodied the feeling “book equals happiness”. We thank our teachers who took us on this insightful visit.     

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