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SEV Schools Information Technologies Professional Development Training


The second edition of Professional Development Training, organized  by the SEV Schools’ IT Technologies Department, was held on the Tarsus campus on February 1-2. The event, which brought together all IT administrators and teams in the SEV Schools, provided a forum for discussion of current technologies. The technological inventory of the SEV Schools was also reviewed. On the first day of the workshop, Mr. Erol Mert, Network Specialist from Telcoset Company, facilitated a session on wireless networks (Aruba/SSID/WLAN/Radio Management, Clearpass and Airwave), and on the second day, Mr. Engin Çetinkaya, the founder of Çözümtek, presented a session on virtual servers, virtual networks, and wmware. The two days of information provided a fun learning experience for all who attended. 

TAC would like to thank Mr. Burak Gençay, the Manager of IT and Educational Technologies, and all participants for their contributions in the organization of this event.