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TAC Students Teach Mathematics Lessons to

Sister School Students


Spending time with children is a quintessential part of community service. Every Thursday, we teach mathematics with the students of Hasan Karamehmet, our outreach sister school, and we also play fun mathematics games with them. Our young students, who are brought to their classrooms by TAC’s student teachers, literally run to their lessons and take slow steps back to the school gate when the lesson is over. Generally, mathematics is seen as an unpopular course with students. However, our dedicated student teachers try to change this mindset by using various activities and games to make students enjoy learning. These activities may take the form of a puzzle, picture matching game or a contest. TAC’s students also prepare worksheets, which they distrubute after teaching the content, to reinforce the learning. The mathematics lesson for the sister school project is run under the guidance of our mathematics teacher, Sinan Yozukmaz, the project leadership of grade 11 IB FM students, Ilgaz Baykal and Zeynep Erdoğan, and the voluntary participation of other high school students. This community service project provides our students with the experience of teaching. They explore the ways of teaching content, see how they can contribute to the future academic careers of these students, and learn about the meaning of dedicated effort in the process. They also discover that learning and the teacher are inseperable concepts. We are pleased to report that these lessons will continue throughout the year in hopes of continuing this cooperation for a brighter world!  
