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TAC’s Library on Wheels is Back on Tarsus Roads


Tarsus American College continues its community outreach projects in the second semester.

As part of the Bookmobile activity, TAC students visited the Kamberhüyüğü Elementary School in Tarsus on 18.02.2017. The young students eagerly waited for their older brothers and sisters from TAC on this sunny Saturday morning, and ran towards the bus as they saw it approaching the park outside the garden. Following an enjoyable English class in the classroom, the group went outside and made the most of the beautiful weather by playing ball or having a converstion. TAC students doing the activity then presented the offerings of their mobile library to the host students. The host students were also presented with red frisbees and school bags. As they were seeing us off at the end of the day, they made us promise to visit them again soon. We thank the students for their willingness to organize the day as well as their supervising teacher and Activity Coordinator, Ms. Gülay Damar.