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Remembering the Turkish Victory in Canakkale


The Canakkale Day (March 18) Ceremony, organized by TAC’s Social Sciences Department, was held on Thursday, March 16 with the participation of students and teachers.

The assembly, where the student presenters were Ece Ejder and Güney Menteş, started with observing a moment of silence for the memory of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, our nation’s great leader, and his companions and all martyrs who fell dead during the defense of our homeland. This was followed by the Turkish national anthem. Following the very insighful remarks by our Assistant Principal, Ms. Sheila Salim, a group of students took the stage to perform an oratorio. The drama performance, re-enacting the trying days of the national campaign for independence and the hard-won victory, brought tears to everyone’s eyes.

The ceremony was closed by the Turkish folk ballad, “Yiğidim Aslanım”, sung by our grade 10 student, Tibet Kurt, to which the audience sang along.

The day ended with our renewed commitment to remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for the independence of our country.
