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TAC Film Making Workshop


Being an artist means creating art, no matter what, espcially in a country like Turkey. Suzan Güverte, TAC 2003 graduate, whose most recent project is a documentary about the lives of Yavuz Çetin and Kerim Çaplı, who are very important Turkish musicians, is one such artist.


Suzan Güverte, who shared the extremely valuable experiences she gained as a producer persuing her dream of telling the stories of others, touched the lives and souls of future film makers and story tellers at TAC in an interactive  Film Making Workshop. Here are her thoughts about this experience.


Suzan GÜVERTE – TAC’03


I thank you all for inviting me back to my school, Tarsus American College. Tarsus, where I spent 7 years of secondary education, was also very beautiful back then. However, during this visit, I can see many noticeable changes in terms of education. This can clearly be observed in the increased value placed on culture and arts. The idea of organizing a “film-making” workshop and it being supported by many teachers and administrators to be a reality, is a strong indicator of how the school sees culture and arts as a priority to develop students in a holistic perspective.


Also, the fact that this activity was recorded to benefit a wider school community, and that the students who were involved in the workshop are being recognized and encouraged by all teachers to gain a deeper insight and knowledge about this area demonstrates the close and inspirational relationship between teachers and students.


During the workshop, I realized that the students were interested in many aspects of film making and movie culture including a career in movies, film as general culture, and the process of film-making, which made the workshop more interactive and effective. It was very promising and motivating to see the students working hard to develop their various, entry-level film ideas with the help of the “pitching training” during the last hours of the session. 


I would like to thank the entire team of administrators at TAC, and the teachers for inviting me to the school for this workshop. My special thanks go to Gülay Damar, who was also one of my teacher at TAC, and to Metehan Bey (İnci), who spent his Sunday briefing me about this workshop, and more importantly, who is very excited and actively involved in the development of his students and their vision.     



