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The Joy of Children’s Day at TAC


TAC’s assembly for National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, on April 23rd, prepared by the Mathematics Department, started by observing a Moment of Silence in the memory of the creation of the independent Republic of Turkey and the coming generations of Turkish children who will maintain the integrity of the homeland. The Turkish national anthem was sung in proud unison.

The audience was touched by the remarks of Mr. John A. Arunski and the emotional video accompanying his messages, reminding us of the realities which we face today. Then, the audience was treated to a dance show prepared with the students from Hasan Karamehmet Elementary, one of TAC’s community service destinations. This was followed by videos summarizing the history and  the significance of the day.

The modern dance performance of Kargılı Elementary and Middle School, TAC’s outreach schools in Bookmobile, joining the TAC ensemble was very impressive. The assembly had a poetry component as well, with commendable performance by Çağatay Gökçeli and Sudenaz Arıcı. There were guest student dancers from Şehitishak Elementary as well, each of whom were promising folk dance performers. The ceremony closed with Echo’s rendition of the anthemic “We are the World”, and “Memleketim”.

This assembly can easily be regarded as the most meaningful way to celebrate and to spread the Children’s Day spirit as it was planned and enriched by guest children from TAC’s sister schools.

We hope to see many more festive and well-participated Children’s Day celebrations in the future!