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TAC's grade 10 students Beril Bayık, Bercis Naz Özdirek, Cem Güler, Mehmet Daş and Yılmaz Arın Manav have attended the Silver Medal camp of Duke of Edinburgh Youth Awards in Avlakkaya, Eskişehir on May 18-20. 

Here is what Mr. Rüştü Sakallı, TAC Assistant Principal who accompanied them in this camp experience noted down from their conversation about the camping life: 


  • Will we actually walk with these bags??
  • Did you do a flee spray? Give me some. Did you spray your socks as well?
  • How many liters of water did you take? 8 Liters. All in your bag? Yes. How are you going to carry that much weight? I am planning to start drinking right away. 
  • Do all of these bags weigh 20 kilos? I think 30. I think more. I think it's so much more than that. 
  • Everybody should wear a hat. Let's take a snapshot. 
  • Ewww, here is full of ants, I will not sit here. 
  • I hate ants. 


  • We did not get enough sleep thanks to those in the neighboring tent, hocam! They made a lot of noise. 
  • Students, a strong breakfast is key. 
  • Hocam what do we do with the sausage, this is too much. Did you throw it into the garbage??? This will go bad by the dinner time, Hocam. Don't worry nothing will happen. You did not peel it did you? No. OK, then it will last and you can have it for dinner. But it's a lot of weight. Come on, this is just 250 grams. 
  • I hope there is no climbing today. Not as much as yesterday, don't worry. Did you look at the map? From here, right? No, first hold it towards the direction we came from. Look at the compass. Oh, OK, it's not there. What course does the yellow path follow? The path of the tractor. 
  • Is this the dog from yesterday? There are more coming. Would they eat cheddar cheese? Wow, look how they ate it all up! Hocam, I can give the sausage to them. It's your call, but you'd better break it into pieces. You just broke it into a half!


  • Why did you stop? Because the group in the front did, hocam. Dear all, we will soon be gathered with all the other groups and walk in a single line. We will continue from the path near the river. Beware of the snakes. Don't do anything if you see one, just walk away. Are they poisonous, hocam? Some, yes. 
  • Tree branch, tree branch, pothole, pothole, slippery rock, slippery rock, do not come here! WAIT, WAIT. Why don't they use here instead? OK, give a hand. continue.
  • I saw a snake, hocam!! Where is it? There! OK, the grass is moving. OK move away. BEWARE OF THE SNAKE. Is it still there hocam? Don't look now, move away. Hocam, I saw it first. What color was it? I Don't know, colourful, about 75 cm. OK It's gone, you can pass now.
  • Breaktime across the river. Why a break now, we can just walk and get it over with. Why do you stop, don't! Cold water is very nice though. Yes hocam, I drank yesterday, it was wonderful. I did too. You also brushed your teeth with this water. Hocam, touch the water with the bottom of your boots, it will cool you down. There was no difference, Cem.
  • Not much left, guys, you will see the road right after the turn, and the bus. We walked the turn, there is no road? You've been walking for three days, just a little more while. YAY, I see the road. I do not believe it, this is asphalt!
  • Abi, turn on the AC please!! Wow, I get a cell signal here. There is internet too!! I should listen to some music.  

