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The 2nd National Education Forum at Tarsus American College (TACEF) was a venue for memorable moments.


TACEF started last year at TAC as a student-run project. This valuable event hosted by our school on March 24-27, 2017 was attended by about 200 students from various high schools and universities in Turkey.


During this four-day workshop, the participants worked on producing solutions to the economic, social, medical, cultural and environmental problems of Turkey, and on the last day of the workshop, presented these suggested solutions. In addition, strong friendships formed between the student participants and the teachers during the event.


The 2nd TACEF event was opened in the Stickler Auditorium with the observation of a moment of silence and the national anthem, followed by the opening remarks of TAC Principal, Mrs. Günseli Yüksel, TAC’ 75 graduate, Ali Rıza Ersoy, Executive Board Member, Deputy General Manager and Digital Factory Division Director at Siemens Turkey, and Mr. Hasan Başkurt, the Conference Chair. It was great to see many parents, teachers, students and members of the TAC Alumni Association with us in the audience.


Mrs. Günseli Yüksel, who expressed her pleasure and pride in hosting such an important conference, thanked everyone who helped in making it happen. The goal of this conference, which drew about 200 participants from 20 high schools, was to contribute to the personal development of high school students and to provide them with the oportunity to express their ideas independently. These young people, who will hopefully shape the future of Turkey and Europe, discussed current issues such as working together to bring solutions, learning to tolerate different backgrounds and perspectives and seeing their differences as an enrichment. Following the opening session, the committees started to work with the delegates discussing the issues which were identified earlier. The draft solutions were discussed again at the General Assembly on the last day of the event, and were put to the vote.


On the last day of the TACEF, the schools were presented with certificates and plaques, while individual teachers and students were presented certificates of participation. The closing remarks emphasized the value of friendship in national and international peace. The beautiful memories were the best keepsake for all student participants, as well as the hope to meet again at the 3rd TACEF next year.


TAC would like to thank the Head Student Organizer, İnci Ovat, Editor, Güneş Sezer, Project Coordinator, Mr. Orhan Baycık, and Teacher Advisors, Mrs. Gülay Damar and Ms. Gülden Balaban.          
