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A Memorable Opening of 2017-2018 Academic Year at Tarsus Schools


The opening days at TAC is a unique sight every year. It is like one of the bayram days where all members of the TAC family comes together after the summer in a genuine love and dedication.


In this year’s opening day, on Monday September 11, the 129th year of such openings at TAC, even the veteran teachers, administrators, parents and TAC alumni were as excited as the students.


Of particular note was the excitement of the new prep students on this first day. They had the pride and pleasure of being able to attend a school, who admits students with higher admission scores every year - in the exams which they have preparing for many years.


On the days leading up to the opening day, and during the opening week, there is a comprehensive orientation program designed for the parents of the new day and boarding students. Parents, including those who were coming from far away were present at the school to watch this special assembly.


The senior class normally makes an effusive entrance to the bleachers in these assemblies. However, this year it was different and was marked by the deep upset shared by the school community caused by the loss of our grade 9 student Nazmi Hıdıroğlu in an tragic traffic accident. The seniors were carrying Nazmi’s photo as they entered the assembly…


Like every year, they posted the visual and posters which set the tone for their last year in TAC and they chanted the TAC anthems in unison, and the BOM chant. It was a very warm and vivid display of fraternity, solidarity and unity, the pillars of TAC’s 129-year-old- history.


In their opening remarks, Principal Mrs. Yüksel, Headmaster Mr. Leathwood and Mr. Ruhi Koçak, a board member representing the Health and Education Foundation communicated important messages for the students.


Another part of the opening ceremonies, which has now become traditional, is the awarding of the students from each grade level by the TAC Alumni Association for maintaining highest “TAC Points” in their class. TAC points is a practice used to encourage academic success as well as student involvement in community service and co-curricular activities. This year, four students with the highest points from grades 9-12 were presented awards by Dr. Ali Cerrahoğlu, the President of the Alumni Association, which will support their career at TAC.


The second opening ceremony of the day, that of Tarsus SEV Elementary took place in the newly-named Talas Campus across the road. This part of the Tarsus Schools campus was named “Talas Campus” last year to honor the Talas American Middle School in Talas, Kayseri which was closed year ago.


The opening ceremony of the Tarsus SEV Elementary School took place in the new auditorium. In their opening remarks, the school principals Ms. Ayfer Aydın and Ms. Çiğdem Özyürekoğlu, as well as Headmaster Mr. Leathwood and SEV Board Member Mr. Ruhi Koçak, mentioned the fact that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of our elementary school, and wished the students an parents a successful year.


Many TAC alumni also joined these ceremonies, reminiscing their times at these remarkable institutions and shared the emotions.


It was yet another memorable and special opening ceremonies in the Tarsus schools. You have missed a lot if you have not been able to join us, and looking forward to seeing you next September, in the 130th gathering of the school community for the first day of the school. 


Dr. Ali Cerrahoğlu