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TAC Elects its PTA for 2017-2018


As a result of the elections on September 28, 2017, the parent members to serve in the high school Parent-Teacher Association are:


Executive Board

Tülay Sevgi Can – President

Murat Kurt – Vice President

Lebibe Aytekin – Secretary

Önay Ok – Member


Inspection Committee:

Halis Dokgöz


Members of PTA Sub-Committees:


Cafeteria Committee:            Neşe Bezek

                                                            Tülay Sevgi Can

                                                            Önay Ok


Service Bus Committee :       Özlem Yengüner

                                                            Tülay Sevgi Can

                                                            Murat Kurt

                                                            Halis Dokgöz


Canteen Committee:             Lebibe Aytekin

                                                            Başak Tülü

                                                            Gül Özdemir


Discipline Committee:           Ramazan Dinçer

                                                            Tülay Sevgi Can


The newly elected members of the Parent-Teacher Association thanked all contributors and voting parents, expressing their hope for a happy, healthy and enjoyable academic year together.



