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First Tarsus ZİÇEV Visit of 2017-2018


The first visit of the academic year to ZİÇEV (Foundation for Mentally Challenged Children) helped set the goals for the ongoing program of community service for TAC students.


During the visit on October 4th, school guidance counselors, Özlem Algan and Suna Babalıklı, as well as Mrs. Gülay Damar, our Activity Coordinator, oversaw the presentation of educational materials which were bought last year for the children at ZİÇEV. TAC’s plans for the future support of the center in 2017-2108 was also shared. In addition, Grade 10 peer counselors, Ulaş Kaygısız, Ege Yüceel, Mina Yenice, Zeynep Salihoğlu and Nehir Gizir spent time talking with the young students at the center.   
