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TAC Pays Tribute to ATATURK


Our Great Leader, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, was remembered on the 79th anniversary of his passing with a commemorative assembly prepared for this very special and meaningful day, under the guidance of our school's Mathematics teachers. At this anniversary of his death,  Atatürk was emphasized as an important leader not only for our country, but internationally, and for all humanity. The deep reverence and love for Ataturk was exhibited in various segments of the event.


The assembly started at 09.05 by observing a moment of silence and then the Turkish National Anthem. The ceremony continued with the speech given by our principal, Günseli Yüksel, emphasizing Atatürk's thoughts and ideals. At the assembly, 11-C students voiced the poem, "Mustafa Kemal" by the famous poet Attila Ilhan. Following a video showing the reforms that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk introduced for the purpose of moving the Turkish nation forward in every aspect, the drama "Buttons" added an emotionally moving touch. In the interviews with our international teachers, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's character and innovations were commemorated. The program continued with students, who represented each grade level, coming up on the stage from the audience to voice some of Atatürk quotes. Wearing their themed t-shirts, they formed an Ataturk insignia on stage. The program ended with a mini-concert which was much appreciated by the students.


We once again express our gratitude to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, who worked towards instituting international understanding, cooperation and peace. We remember him with respect, admiration, love and longing!