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Grade 10 Knowledge Bowl


The knowledge bowl, prepared by our Science Department for our 10th graders every year, was well-attended by all 10th grade classes on December 5th, 2017. Our students participated in a fun and challenging competition to demonstrate their knowledge in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology.


The most important goal of the Science Knowledge Bowl is to improve communication between students. In addition, because students represent their class in such competitions, the competition helps develop responsibility in students. It also aims to improve the ability of students to respond in a limited time to questions prepared in different branches of science.


In the competition, there were four questions from every branch of science. In case of a possible tie, spare questions were also prepared to determine the winner. As the contest progressed, the groups’ total score, as well as the excitement, increased. When our students, who were participating in the competition, solved the questions, their classmates eagerly waited for answers with great excitement and curiosity. By the time that we got to the last question, there was a tie between our students. The winners, however, were determined with extra questions. At the end, Emir Akgün, Tan Nadir Kuzucu and Yüksel Yalçın from the 10-C class were the winners, representing their class successfully. The audience shared in the spirit of victory at the end.


We congratulate all the students who participated in the event, wishing them continued success.
