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Bookmobile Gives Hope


On Saturday morning, December 2nd, TAC’s Bookmobile headed to our sister school, Tarsus Ramiz Asutay Primary and Secondary School. During the visit, which was supervised by Mr. Önder Şit and Mr. Niyazi Pavlaz from the Turkish Language and Literature Department, lessons were taught by student teachers from TAC in English, Turkish and mathematics, in order to help student development in these areas. Although the students were coming from limited-income families, they were very rich in terms of hope for the future.


Book sharing proved somewhat more challenging than our previous experiences, however as the waiting line got longer and longer although the students, who were waiting to select a book, had a cookie in hand and were smiling. This time, stories of hope seemed to be the popular selection. Eren, a 7th grader, dreams of being an engineer, and therefore is committed to working hard in his classes. Even while lifting the front wheel of his bicycle while riding, he was clutching his book under his left arm. Another student invited us to share the mandalinas that he had filled his pockets with as a gesture of sharing. As the students taught us to spin tops, we modelled creative drama activities for them which led us to the end of the day, but we knew that the children’s hope would last like the top that was spinning.
