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TAC’s TEMA Club in Action


The members of the TAC TEMA (Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation and Protection of Natural Habitats) Club, which is one of the new clubs this year, visited TEMA house in Mersin to mark the “World Soil Day” on December 5.  

The students, excited to form a new community within TAC, found out from Ms. Perihan Saydan Pazarbaşı, Mersin representative of the TEMA Foundation, how it feels to be a young TEMA member.


The TAC students and the club advisor, Mr. Cengiz Gündoğdu, carefully watched the presentation of Pazarbaşı, which is about the mission and activities of TEMA. During this session, they learned that TEMA’s activities extend beyond planting new trees as TEMA tries to raise community awareness about the role animal life plays in the protection of the natural environment. The group found out about the walks and activities to support this cause, and also that TEMA, which started out as a local organization, is now an international organization, which was very pleasing.   


This visit also provided the opportunity to understand the benefits and responsibilities of being a young and adult TEMA member. Both the TAC club’s advisor and the students were given a clear idea about how they can contribute to TEMA activities in their schools and communities.


This visit, which was not only designed to raise an awareness about the natural environment in which we live, but also to take steps towards its preservation, was an important step for TAC TEMA. The club invited the TEMA representatives to TAC for an information seminar given to the whole school community.   
