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The Dance Of Words From Poems to Songs


You will either open your heart to the fullest or not attempt at all! There are no gray areas in love, you will choose either black or white” / Shams Tabrizi


On 13.12.2017, the poem recital titled “The Dance of Words from Poems to Songs”, organized by the Turkish Language and Literature Department, drew large interest from the audience.

The recital, that featured thirteen beautiful poems and three songs about love, touched everyone's heart. It was like a parade of all the great pieces from the masters of Turkish poetry. The event, which had a screenplay prepared by Turkish literature teacher, Mr. Niyazi Pavlaz, who also did the editing, and music and songs selected by music teacher, Aslı Son, was delivered by TAC students and fascinated everyone in the audience by leaving them with the lines / lyrics from many soul-wrenching poems. The poems were not just on stage, but everywhere.

In order to instill students with an enjoyment and appreciation of poetry, the school community shared their own poems or their favorite lines of poetry through their social media accounts with the tag #şiirTACde.  Students also posted poetry on physical bulletin boards placed around the campus. On the panel, our students exhibited the selections they wrote or selected from the poets. In addition, the bell tune, "I Love You", composed from Nazım Hikmet’s famous same-titled poem, replaced the usual bell to start and end classes on campus and made the theme even more meaningful.

As the day drew to an end, the following lines became engraved in the minds of many:


My eyes do not see love in yours

They do not transport love to my heart anymore

I have exhausted my soul, may you wear it out a bit too

Because now, I think you are now like everyone else


Just last night, I was counting the hours for you to come

but today, I am secretly running away from you.

I looked deep inside my heart

and saw that you are now like everyone else


I forgot all about you, that I am sure

My promise is now a thing of the past.

For you, I do not even harbor hate in my heart

I think you are now like everyone else


                                                                       Nazım Hikmet