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Lesson Observation at the University


TAC’s Science Department organized a class observation at the engineering and medical faculties of Çukurova University with our 11-A&B students under the supervision of science teachers, Handan Şahin Duran and Çiğdem Altan. It was very helpful for our students, who will be choosing their professions next year, to have an idea about the popular programs offered by the engineering and medical faculties.


First stop in our visit was a lecture by Prof. Dr. Ulus Çevik in the electrical and electronic engineering department, following which we observed three separate laboratories of this department. Later, at the faculty of medicine, we joined the biotechnology and gene therapy lessons given by Assc. Prof. Dr. Bertan Yılmaz, and had the opportunity to listen to the lecture with the freshman class of the faculty.


The purpose of our lesson observations was to help students find answers to their questions about engineering and medical sciences and to help clarify university and career choices. We are pleased to guide students in better planning their preparations towards their own career goals.
