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The Hum of the Book Fair


Tarsus American College visited the Mersin CNR Book Fair, held for the third time this year, on November 30th. The TAC representation at the Fair was organized by the Turkish Literature Department.


The event, which was held on November 25th to December 3rd, hosted more than 190.000 book lovers. Well-attended by 350 publishing houses, the fair was enriched by talks by various acclaimed authors as well as book-signing events. The trip to the Mersin book fair was made complete with the buying of quality books in which students were guided by their Turkish teachers, Önder Şit and Niyazi Pavlaz. Some examples were Emma, Crime and Punishment, Anayurt Oteli, and Metamorphosis.


It was difficult to leave the books there: an emotion which can be described in the words of Hasan Ali Toptaş in his book “Kuşlar Yasına Gider”: “The world was now trapped in my tears, the world was blurred, the world was wet, and the world was shaking slightly in a loud, humming sound, steaming vapors”.   
