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An Enjoyable Get-Together at the Tarsus Senior Citizens Home


On November 25, our school students paid a meaningful visit to the Tarsus Senior Citizens Home, supervised by their Mathematics teachers Enise Peker and Kelly Russell.

During the visit, our students had multiple opportunities to show the residents that they are remembered and their experiences respected. While our students heard first-hand life experiences from the elderly residents of the home, and they also shared fun and enjoyable moments. Seeing that our students were mutually touched by the interest, conversation and sharing, was much-needed by elderly residents, was a source of happiness for teachers as well.

The cakes baked by the students themselves was another highlight of these conversations. Conversations about theater and cinema with “Mike Hammer of Turkey” will be memorable.

At the end of our visit, our students kissed their hands and told them that they would visit them again as soon as possible, then starting to plan their next visit.

We congratulate Elif Bilge Akça, Esat Tuna Erdağı, Ferit Sezen, Gülümser Aslı Log, Güneş Doğan, İlkay Bilge Uz, Serra Su Yıldız, and İlke Özden for their meaningful contribution to this community service endeavor.


