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TAC Destination Imagination Club at the DI Tournament


A group of TAC students participated in the Destination Imagination Tournament held in Kuşadası Efes Congress Center on February 15th-18th, under the supervision of club advisors, Ms. Katibe Karakurt and Ms. Bikem Can.


At the tournament, where imagination and creativity was central, TAC students, organized in teams, competed under the “Scientific Category", where they all gave their best effort.  They gained new creative experiences, while being proud members of the extended DIT (Destination Imagination Turkey) family. While developing skills of teamwork and time management, they experimented with the ideal distribution of work among the team members. During this process, which had many steps and hurdles, the students learned the importance of supporting each other while not losing their motivation.


Our students worked long and hard on their DI projects, and their performance was commended.  All the students were delighted to be part of this creative and entertaining event.

